Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Welcome Lisa!

Lisa is our new friend, everyone! She slides in wearing a size 12, hoping to wear a size 8! She wants to drink up the agua! Let's give her a big WAIWMIaWLI welcome! (That is way too long of an acronym!)


Kristina said...

Happy to have you here Lisa!

Lisa said...

Thanks, guys! Thrilled to be here!

Bickler3 said...

Hum size 4? Lets not go there....those are the kind of women I want to run over in the parking lot !! It's just not fair I say !!
Welcome to the club lisa!!

Lisa said...

In my defense, Bickler, I was running 4 miles each day and then came down with mono - so I couldn't eat any solid foods, only slurpees. That'll take the weight off you!

I am naturally and maintainably probably an 8. I was only a 4 for about 6 months. Then a 6 for about 9 months, an 8 for about a year, and then I went to law school. I've been a 12 or more pretty much ever since. I'm ready not to feel puffy anymore.

Chickadeeva said...

Lisa - I am a 10 and I'd be happy in an 8, but like you, I'm not going for weight as much as health.

No one likes to feel puffy.
Puff adds to puff and then BAM! Heart disease, diabetes...all those other awful things that run in my family.

I'm glad to have someone else here who is in my weight loss range as I feel a little petty typing about the 'few pounds' I have to lose. I mainly just cheer people on and tell myself I'm beautiful as I am.

However - I sure could use some more self-control. I don't need as stringent of a diet as some of our ladies, but more water - HECK YES, more excercise, yes again.

I am riding horses four times a week. That is good, but I also eat more than I have to during the day.