Monday, February 20, 2006

Sabotage and Friendly Fire

What do you do when your MOTHER buys you a HUGE Valentine heart filled with chocolates for your birthday, even though she knows you are not eating SUGAR!!!???? Just raging for a moment...That's all! Cripes!


SueAnne said...

Tell me about it! My neighbor keeps sending over biscotti ice cream sandwiches! He works for the company that makes them and they are start up, so samples are flying out the door with employees like wild fire! Last night he sent over some Costco cheese cake! I called him and said "You know we love you, but have you SEEN how big my butt is lately?! STOP!"

SueAnne said...

Would it be alright to invite my mom to blog? And if so, how would I do that? Her email is

Kristina said...

Oh man! What did you say to her? Perhaps she forgot??? Anyhow, I don't have any advice... sorry!

Mom2the6Rs said...

She did not forget...she told me, before she came over, that she had bought me some treats and I was just going to have to deal with it.

I should have gotten upset, confronted her, asked her if she really wanted me to succeed or what...but I didn't. I was gracious.

SueAnne, I will send your mom an invite. You can invite anyone by going to the settings part of the blog, clicking on the members tab and adding addresses to "add a member".


Lisa said...

Hi ladies! I've been reading you guys for awhile and I'm so proud of all of you. Of course I understand that you don't want this blog to get too out of control, but can I play too? I would love to be part of your group and think it would be a wonderful way for me to stick with my -20 goal.

Please, please, please! My email is I would send you negative-calorie thoughts, I promise! :)


Pink Slippers said...

ACK! Oh my...well, I have to say, I would have probably been gracious as well. Then I would probably let my kids have em, or I have been known to just throw stuff like that out! Sorry about that one...what a bummer present considering where you are in life right now!

Chickadeeva said...

That sounds just like your mom. She probably didn't mean it as sabotage, but giving is her way of showing love, and that's all there is to it. On valentines day, you can't give someone rice wafers, now can you?

I'm so proud of you for being gracious. Your slim body will be all the confrontation she'll need.