Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Ok ladies, be afraid, very afraid....I started my first class in martial arts today! WHOOO it was a lot of fun and a LOT of work! I did this exact move in this picture too! My son has taken martial arts for 5 years at the homeschool center, and today was my first time to try it. We work out for an hour...and I love that! So, I am signed up for the rest of the semester, I will go 2x per week for 1 hour each class. I like the mix up in my work out routine. And my body is already feeling it, my thighs are sore tonight. I had to share with you all about my new exercise adventure!


Chickadeeva said...

Very, VERY awesome! I took Aikido take-down practices for about a year and I have to tell you - it changed me - FOR THE BETTER! I'm so excited for you! Good Job!

You'll ache, but no one can take that grin away from you.

Mom2the6Rs said...

I am afraid now...very afraid! You have a large black dog named gunner (very violent...guns and all) and now this! Not to mention that your husband works with sharp objects all day and an occasional blow torch! Oh wow! Scary family, scary family!


Mom2the6Rs said...

BTW- Can I borrow that phrase when I am trying to get my children to obey? KEEEE YAH!

Kristina said...

SOOO cool Tina! Aren't you brave trying something new?!? Way to spice it up. Keep us posted on how your classes are going, okay?

Pink Slippers said...

Thanks all! I feel so very encouraged! And yes, Julie, you can Kee ya at your kids anytime...I don't know if it will do much, but heck, give it a shot!