Friday, February 10, 2006


Day one for me! The poing goal (WW) 24
Water: 11 glasses

I feel successful for the first day. But I have come to the point in my life where I finally realized this will be a lifetime thing. Finally realized I just don't have the genetic make up of my skinny friends:) and it will be a day to day journey. This is who I am. Boy I spent so long trying to be someone else!

NEED HELP! I am still new to the point system. Once a month, our church homegroup has a "date night" where one family provides childcare and everyone else goes out on a date. Well that is tonight. We will be eating at Peurto Villarta (mexican). Don't know how to point this meal. I would like to have a planned menu choice. Cheesy, cheesy stuff-real weakness for me. Any suggestions?????


Mom2the6Rs said...

SueAnne, sorry no one comment for you before your dinner date. Shoot! What I order when I go out to mexican is the Carne Asada. It is a very thin steak and comes with rice and beans. I substitute the lard filled refried beans with whole pinto or whole black beans. I eat only 1/2 cup of the rice. I love the spicy salsa, so I dump that on and ask for Pico de gio, which they bring our for free, and dump all of those lovely tomatoes, onions and cilantro on it. So good! Just remember, you want to look at meat portions like a cassette tape or a deck of cards. That is a 3 oz. serving and a good size to stick with for points.

Hope you had a good experience. You have to trust yourself, now, that you are equiped with the knowledge and the desire to treat yourself with the TLC you deserve. You can do it. You can.

Bye for now,

SueAnne said...

Thank you Jules. I think I did OK. I did get a chicken burrito, cut it in half and ate that. I was looking for a fiesta salad or somehting but they didn't have it. I didn't leave there overstuffed and fealt good about that, but it is going to take some thinking to point that meal. I know I will be over my 24 point goal today, but not too bad. Thanks for the tip!:)

Bickler3 said...

I drink lots of water and order what ever I want...then only eat the other half for the next day....

Pink Slippers said...

It sounds like you made a very wise choice. Keep up the good work, your doing a great job.