Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I got my bookmark!

Finally! I weighed in at Weight Watchers this morning. I was so happy to learn that I had lost 2.2 lbs more. That put me over my first goal of 5 pounds for a total weight loss of 7 pounds. I got my bookmark! My body has finally decided to cooperate with what my mouth has been doing - and it's been doing a lot less eating. Only 2 more pounds and I will be at my next goal of weighing under 150 lbs. They asked me about what I was doing and I told them that I belonged to a great Blog. Thanks everyone. :o)


Jenny V said...

Congratulations!!!! Way to go.

Lisa said...

Yay!!! You're doing awesome! Keep it up!

SueAnne said...

Wahoo! I am so excited for you!

Kristina said...

You see, you blew that five pound book mark out of the water!! : )
Oh, to weigh 150... I think the last time that I did I was like in the 10th grade. I've always been on the bigger side, but back then I was rather muscular too. If I ever got down to 150 now, I'd be HOT!!!
Anyhow, this is about YOU, not me. Way to go Jodie! I'm proud of you.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Mom, I am so proud of you! I love running into you at the Y. It is like we are really working on this thing together, isn't it? Here's to your next 5 lbs., that is a star sticker, coming your way! We want photo updates, too. Yours will be the most famous red bookmark in the world.
