Monday, February 20, 2006

There are certain comments that are worth a thousand of my favorite candy bars!

The day before yesterday, as I was walking up the stairs from the basement, (with my husband following closely behind me), he touched my back side and as we reached the top of the stairs he tenderly pulled me close and and said to me,'you're my hotty'. I wasn't looking for a compliment, I didn't ask him how my jeans looked on me. He just freely spoke these words to me. It made me want to work all that much harder to reach my goal. It gave me such a sense of pride. It was wonderful!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Oh, Kristina! This made me tear up! What a sweet moment...


Pink Slippers said...

That was very special to have a hubby take notice and love you with his words! I am so happy for you!