Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Hiya everyone! Ok, here are my stats...I think I can quit journaling pretty soon...I am feeling more confident now and make great choices without the struggle. But for today the breakdown is as follows:

English muffin w/ fried egg & applesauce (on the side)

Lunch: 2 rice cakes w/ cream cheese and grapes

Dinner: meatloaf, couscous and asparagus

Snack: popcorn, grapes and oj

I also did 45 minutes of martial arts and 10 minutes of pilates today. Oh, I learned something pretty cool too. I found out that if I am starving, I do not need to make a meal larger than normal because I have skipped a meal or not had anything soon enough. Instead I have learned that I can make a normal size meal, eat it and to my surprise I am satisfied! I am very happy about is a big change for me.

1 comment:

Mom2the6Rs said...

I hope you keep journaling. I like seeing what you eat! I am nosy deep down inside! Love ya!
