Tuesday, February 07, 2006

SueAnne's First Blog post EVER

Hello ladies!
Thank you for the welcome. This is my first experience with blogging EVER. I am enjoying reading your encouraging entries. I am not losing anything at this time. I am just trying not to put anymore on! I am hobbling around on a broken ankle and carrying around my "holiday extra weight" plus! (I broke the ankle two days before Christmas). This is a picture of me (left) with my aunt and my oldest daughter at Christmas. I have about 40-50 pounds to lose (more if you go by a calculated "ideal" weight) and am thinking about joining weight watchers. Does anyone have any experience good or bad with that? Have a great day!
God Bless,


Kristina said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! We're so glad you joined us!
I did weight watchers a couple of years ago, and I enjoyed it. There was a small group of girlfriends that I was doing it with, making it even funner. I was doing well on the program, but then I got pregnant again and had to quit. I never did start up again, but I joined Curves after the birth of my last baby and started working out. I got more results with working out then I did by counting points on the weight watcher program.The Weight Watchers program is a little bit expensive, (For me anyways). I think it is about $12.00 a week.
Anyhow, that's my take on the program.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Welcome, SueAnne. I think there are currently 2 blog members doing the WW plan (pink slippers and queen livalot). I did it for several months and had pretty good success (24 lbs.). Some pluses with WW is 1) Nothing is off limits, so you have lots of freedom. 2) Weekly meetings can be super encouraging. 3) When you work out, you get to eat more! 4) Points can be simpler to count than calories.

Some negatives for me were: 1)weighing in every week was an emotional roller coaster. I need to weigh less often, allowing for more progress to accrue. 2) I swear that I developed two bad habbits on WW. Bad habit a)I became a night time eatter. I always saved a few points for popcorn or skinny cow ice creams. I never used to eat at night before. b) I became addicted to sugar. I used sugar as a substitute for fattier foods for flavor. I got to the point that if I didn't have sugar in the house, I would start to panic.
3) The last negative is the cost. $12 a week was a bit tough.

Hope this helps. Overall, I think it is a GREAT program. It is a gentle introduction to the world of accountability, as well.

Pink Slippers said...

Welcome SueAnne! Glad to have you here. I am doing ww, but I do it on my own, no meetings, no sign up. I do the core program...very limiting on junk foods, they are not core, so it makes for a much healthier lifestlye than the points (unless you are more disciplined than I am). I am really enjoying it so far, but have only been on it officially for about a week now. There are lots of great programs out there, find one you like and go for it!

bodiski said...

Welcome SueAnne,
I am going back to Weight Watchers again. I love the weekly support and it can be a lot of fun if you have a good leader. If you buy ahead you can go for $10 a week. They give you a pass if you have a bad week and don't want to weigh in. I love the flexibility on the flex plan. I know from experience that if I can't have any of the foods I love, I will not stick to the diet. You count points not calories. Most vegetable are 0 points so you are encouraged to eat lots of fruit and veggies. I like the fact that there is lots of support and resources. You can buy Weight Watcher food at the grocery store, read a Weight Watcher magazine and get Weight Watcher receipes on line or in a cookbook.
Good luck on whatever new life style you choose.

Pink Slippers said...

Oh I should add, I did do flex to lose my first 35 pounds...and I did love it. I hope that did not sound bad Jodie, about too much junk food...as I reread it I thought I should clarify. I tried doing flex again, and found I kept trying to get as much fun foods in as I could for the least points each (so I could have more) and I would find myself not having fruit so I could save those points for something sweeter or more of a treat. But obviously the program worked great for me the first time, I am just needing to be "forced" to eat healthier right now, and core does that.But I definately believe flex is a great program too!

SueAnne said...

Thank you everyone:) I am going to my first ww meeting tonight. I am going because I need the weekly meetings at this point. I think I will start with the flex plan, because you count points. I am a numbers person and this will appeal to the accountant in me. :)