Thursday, February 09, 2006

First Goal : Get out of my husband's pants

Hello ladies,
I went to my first WW meeting last night. It filled me full of hope that I can make a difference. Nice to have a PLAN (other than just getting out of bed each day and thinking I will eat better today:)
My first goal is to get back to a size 14 so I can wear the clothes in my closet and give my husband his pants back! This will probably take about 10 pounds. I don't have to breathe if I get my pants on right?
So today is day one for me. 24 points per day and lots of water.
Hardest thing for me to give up: Mocha Frappe's and seconds on pizza!
Have a great day!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Wow...My husband likes it when I am "in his pants"...if you know what I mean!

I am proud of you, SueAnne! You are absolutly right about having a plan and the hope that that brings. It is like driving on a road verses cutting a path through the jungle with a machette.

You are going to do great! I will add your name to the sticks of butter list!


Chickadeeva said...

Way to Go SueAnne - hang in there and don't forget to laugh as much as you can. Laughter creates a hormonal release that temporarily curbs hunger!

bodiski said...

It's funny how fast all the days will add up into weeks. You will be so glad that you started when you did and look back on it a few weeks from now and see your success. Remember that it's not just for weight loss. It's for your health and feeling of self worth. Congratulations on making a choice that will improve your life.

Kristina said...

Well SueAnne,
If I could fit into my own husbands pants, I can't even tell you how good I would look! The man has no hips! Good goals to set, keep up the good work!