Monday, February 27, 2006

Fessing up

I thought I better drop a line about my recent whereabouts. Well, this past weekend a lot of it was in my kitchen. DOH! I did not make some very good choices and I think since I cut out journaling my food, it has really made a difference. So back I go, sorry if it ain't to thrilling, but that really seems to help me right now. So here goes:

Breakfast: smoothy, I even added flax oil to it, I am so proud! Bowl of cereal
Lunch: Nice big salad, I even measured the dressing so I would be good.
Snack: cottage cheese and pineapple (a bit larger than a regular serving, but not too bad)
Dinner: Black bean enchilada, broccoli, cauliflower
Snack: popcorn and a fudge bar

Ok, that's today. I also worked out, The Firm 30 minutes

See you all tomorrow! Keep up the good to all of you doing so good and not crashing off the wagon like my weekend went! Well, I am back again and ready to rumble!
(PS I also did Pilates in the evening before bed WOO HOO!)


Mom2the6Rs said...

Nice day, Tina! When you mentioned wanting to cut back on your journalling, I wanted to say, "HEY, DON'T DO THAT!" I know, for myself, when I stop journalling, I stop being honest with myself. Love you, good job on the flax seed oil.


SueAnne said...

Way to get back on the wagon! This journey is life long! You can do it!

Kristina said...

So glad to see you back here. :)
I'm with Jules, I think you'll be getting better results if you continue to journal. It really keeps one conscience of what you're putting in your mouth when you know you'll be writing everything out.
And Pilates? Are they really hard? I've never done them, but there's a couple of areas on the bod that I'd like to work extra hard.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Kristina, just ask Queenlivalot if they are hard...she just had her second class today. They focus on your core strength, your abs. It is supposed to be tough. You should try it. You could check out a dvd at the library!
