Thursday, February 09, 2006

Mindless Eating

I have been a little slow in reporting my progress. Maybe I'm a little embarrassed to have lost only 1 pound last week. Most of the week I was really, really good and followed my WW plan. Then came Saturday. Dick and I went to a movie with friends. THEY wanted popcorn. I thought "just a little". Yeah right!

Have you heard the term "mindless eating"? Well my mind was definitely uninvolved with what my hands and mouth were doing. Anyway, on with the weekend. You would think that with all the guilt I felt over the popcorn I would get back on track Sunday. Sunday was the Superbowl!That's sort of like Christmas - right? Lots of food, drink and friends. Well, 3 Lemon Drops( who's counting) and an abundance of yummy snacks later I'm back in the "mindless eating" AGAIN!

I was afraid to weigh in on tues AM because I thought I had gained. Well, 5 days of good eating and 2 days of bad eating and I did loose a pound. Am am feeling like their are good changes going on in my body and will try and stay away from eating traps this week.


SueAnne said...

Dear Queen,
At my first WW meeting last night, the leader read a poem about just one pound. Can't remember it but something like this....
I am just one pound.
Nobody ever wants to lose me.
Everyone wants to lose five or ten.
But not just one pound.
So I am happy to stick around and make you fat.
But then I invite some friends
ever so quietly....

Be encouraged:)

bodiski said...

Love it! Thanks

Kristina said...

I wouldn't be embarrassed about only losing one pound. I remember being on WW and some weeks being really happy that I had lost at least one... and not gained! Good job!