Monday, February 27, 2006

I've Added a Countdown on the Sidebar

I have added a countdown to our Spring Hurrah on the sidebar! Lets shrink the days away, ladies! Whew Hew! Does anyone want to set a goal for that day?



Kristina said...

Hmmm... I'm trying to think of a realistic goal. Quite honestly, the pounds and inches are coming off faster than I expected.
I'll say, twenty more pounds, and to be into a size 12/14 pants by May the 20th. I'd better start saving now for the clothes I'm gonna buy! : )

Mom2the6Rs said...

My goal is to be on the successful side of my third phase of Prism. Whatever that brings, as long as I am faithful for all 83 days, I will be a happy, thinner woman! How is that for vauge expectations? They work in marriage relationships, so I am hoping they will work with my dieting relationship to my own emotional bank account.


Paige said...

My goal for May 20th? Will be to still be exercising.

I can do it.