Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Amazing Abs of Pudding! :)

Hi ladies!

I've been doing well the past few days - eating well and spaced out, drinking lots of water, and staying active... all of this just so I could report in to you!

I just thought someone would appreciate this. Last night in my yoga class, it was "ab night." Good gracious, I am sore today! After about 15 minutes of "hovering" (rest your elbows and forearms on the ground and hold the rest of your body like you're going to do a push up - no knees on the ground) I was absolutely shaking. And then driving home I felt like a big bowl of jello. But here's to a flat tummy, right?

As the bookkeeper in my office pointed out to me yesterday, we're in the final pre-summer crunch. I have a mere three months to feel comfortable in little clothes since down here in Texas it gets HOT! If I stick to the plan, I can't wait. :)

Happy Mardi Gras, Ya'll!


Kristina said...

Oh my heck! I think about 90 seconds of ab night would do me in! You must be incredibly strong.
I'm so glad that you've been doing well. When you know that you're going to 'report' here, it really does make a difference, doesn't it?
Keep up the good work beautiful. : )

Mom2the6Rs said...

Little clothes, here you come! Good job, Lisa. Folks really do things BIG in Texas, now don't they?
