Friday, February 24, 2006

Journal updates from Jules

Ola, mi amigas! Here are my newest updates. We had our "weigh in" meeting last night at Prism. It was great. People were really honest and open about where they are at. Some, like me, were flying high and full of hope, others were struggling, but determined to make the next 6 weeks really count for something. I am praying for my friends there. They are such "real" people.

Day 47: 1062 calories, 10 glasses of water, exercise

Day 48: 1266 calories, 13 glasses of water, exercise

Day 49: 1145 calories, 10 glasses of water

I am on Day 50 now...I have started Phase 2 of my program which means I can enjoy up to 2 pieces of Whole Wheat bread a day, 2 whole wheat or corn tortillas a day, and three times a week I can have a potato and a sugar free dessert. This gives me more options. I cannot, however, increase my calories unless I work out 5 days a week. I look forward to a new and exciting 6 weeks!


Kristina said...

Dang girl, are ya trying to drink me under the table or what?!?!?

Mom2the6Rs said...

Yer Betcha...burp...thank ya very much...stagger...slur...hiccup.