Monday, February 06, 2006

Tina's journal 2/6

Hiya all,
Ok today is hubbies bday, and I still did great. Whew, this has been a struggle, but a great one. Here is today's menu...
Breakfast: cereal w/ milk
Lunch: tuna fish in lettuce wraps w/ an orange
Snack: banana, ONE rice cake w/ hummus
Dinner: bbq'd beef rib (one) w/ corn and salad and biscuit
Snack: rice cake w/ light egg salad
That's it. I did do a 30 minute Firm workout today muscles are almost completely recouperated from last weeks martial all starts again on Weds! Tomorrow is my dr's appt. I will let you all know how it goes.


Kristina said...

Good job with your journaling Tina. I'm anxious to see how your appointment went.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Scott's bday! Another one got through the cracks of my birthday alert system! Yikes. My cousin Scott had a bday yesterday, too. Funny. It was Scott Day. Happy bday to him for me. Good job to you, too. Holy cow, bday celebrations can be so hard to stay focussed.