Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I bought two new outfits this weekend!

I did it. I finally did it. I actually bought some brand new clothes on Sunday. And oh my heck! I feel so cute and stylish in them! The last time that I went clothes shopping, ( before I had lost any weight), it was SOOO depressing. I actually had FUN trying on clothes this time. I got two outfits and a cute pair of shoes to go with both sets. I'd forgotten how it feels to actually have a good time trying on new clothes. So, yeah for me!
Here's some stats for you all:
Day 41: 1,324 calories, 9 glasses of water, workout
Day 42: 1,237 calories, 8 glasses of water
Day 43: 1,357 calories, 9 glasses of water, workout


Mom2the6Rs said...

Beautious!! Fun, eh? I bought a size L tshirt at Disneyland instead of an XL or an XXL. That felt good. I will be shipping clothes your way soon, chicky mama! Are you going to go to phase 2 of the program or stay on phase 1?


Kristina said...

Hey Jules,
I'm going to stay on phase 1, for now. I've been having such great results, I want to see if the momentum keeps on a truckin' if I continue on the first phase.
BTW, you know I'm looking forward to your wonderful wardrobe!
So nice you were able to get a smaller tshirt! Doesn't it feel awesome?

Chickadeeva said...

Most Excellent!

I'm proud of you Kris. If only you can cling to that feeling of pride next time you get the cravings, then you'll feel 10 feet tall! :-)