Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New program

Hey ladies, I haven't been able to do this lately and honestly much of that is due to a guilty conscience.  I had been doing some major soul searching the last few weeks and really struggling with this issue.  I think a lot of good things have come from it.  I really know that without the grace and strength of God almighty, I can't control what I put into my mouth and I have a serious addiction.  So, all that to say, I am going to the Prism informational meeting this Thursday.  I looked through Jules stuff and really felt like the program will fit me perfect.  The last one I tried was so strict I got depressed whenever I thought of doing it, and i want to be excited!  So hurray I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, for real this time!  Thank you all for your support last time I wrote, I didn't even know you could comment until Julie showed me this past week, thanks!
Happy V-day!


SueAnne said...

My heart and prayers go out to you:) Your thoughts are my thoughts. Trust in Him even when we are walking paths that we would rather not walk. Everything is filtered through his loving hands and fruit will come of it:)

Kristina said...

Oh Mandi.
I'm sorry that you have been struggling with guilt. But be assured, we all have been there honey.
I am excited that you'll be checking out the Prism stuff. I've been applying those principals, and this last 5 1/2 weeks I've already lost 21 pounds! I did this same program several years ago and had tremendous success.
We're here to support you Mandi. I'm so glad that you posted again. :)

Chickadeeva said...

He's able to help us overcome EVERYTHING - even twinkees! Hang in there!

Mom2the6Rs said...

You are going to ROCK at this program! I am with you all the way.
