Friday, February 24, 2006

Fat picture alert!

Holy shmoles, Batman! I found this photo of me and my adorable husband Thanksgiving 2001. I had just started a walking regiment with my friend, Mary Kate. I have no idea what I weighed, but check out the alien! I think my pants were a size 22. I have come so far! I am so excited. The past is the past. I am treking on, girls, one visit to the Y at a time, one glass of water at a time, one honest day written in my journal at a time.


Kristina said...

Who is that woman with your husband Julie? She kinda looks familiar.

Chickadeeva said...

Ha! I think it looks like your sweet face, but not the tummy I saw in the hot pink getup!

Pink Slippers said...

One day at a time...I really do liken our struggle to that of an alcoholic in many ways (at least for some of us that use food for emotions and everything else). But how does an alcoholic have alcohol in moderation? That is our struggle! Keep up the great work Julie! You have come a long way baby!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Thanks, girls. I feel like I am really on the right track. The struggle I am facing is the emotional one...If I used to eat when I was emotional, what do I do now. My crutch has been removed.
