Monday, February 27, 2006

Curves had my measurements!

After Kristina's amazing post of losing a yard stick, I called Curves, to get my inches they originally took for me in Dec of '04 and the update in March of '05. Ironically, they were the same, almost identical, as was my weight each time (218). So I bought a tape measure today and had Blake measure me tonight. I have lost 22.5 inches and 20 lbs, since those fateful weigh and measure days of yore. Yippee! Another reason to celebrate! (And the only M&Ms I'm getting for a good long while!)


Kristina said...

Awesome possum! I'm so glad that you measured. Didn't it make your day to see the change in the numbers?! 22 inches baby, that is SOOO much!
You like, so, completely rock! I'm proud of you Jules. :)

Mom2the6Rs said...

Thanks, girl! I went to bed thinking about it and woke up with it on my mind. It is so good to have success on the brain. But hey, I am only following YOUR lead.


Jenny V said...

Way to go Jules!

Debbie said...

I am so proud of you. You are looking fabulous. This must just send you over the moon.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Debbie, I have missed you!
