Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Today is my third day in a row!

I'm feeling alot more lively than yesterday. I'm telling you, if I work out in the morning, versus the evening, I have quite a bit more energy during the day. Even though I may be getting up at stupid o'clock to work out before my husband leaves for work, the endorphins in my system help make up for the early hour.
I'm up to 21 pounds exactly this morning! I'm sorry if I'm tempting some of you others that don't want to weigh yet. I'm just so excited. I've not been down to this weight for about three years now. If I can feel this good now, how will it be when I lose another twenty?! I still have A LOT to lose, but I'm already feeling so much better about myself. : )


Chickadeeva said...

Woooooo Hooooo!

I've got my hubby wanting to do workouts too now! This health craze is a good one to catch on!

Kristina said...

Ernie, wanting to do workouts?! I mean, doesn't he already have a near perfect physique? Well, good for him!

Pink Slippers said...

I think it is FABULOUS that you are getting up early to get those workouts in! WAY TO GO! Isn't it incredible the difference in how you feel when you work out regularly? I am now officially addicted to it, and I notice that i feel rotten when I don't get them in. Keep it up and you will be addicted too! Your doing great Kristina, I am very happy for you and all your successes. It is a blessing to be apart of it in this small way.

Mom2the6Rs said...

OK, I am armed with new workout clothes thanks to Dick and Jodie, my baby isn't sick, I am not sick, and I am not out of town...Time to get serious about 4 little letters again...YMCA, here I come! You have inspired me, girl.
