Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm loving myself enough to eat RIGHT!

I'm discovering that as I continue to make healthy choices in my food selections, that it is really a way for me to show that I really do care about myself. Not just the outward, and what I look like. But the inward, and how it is effecting my attitudes on so many levels. I am finding that it is easier for me to be positive about things, because I feel more positive and confident in myself.
But you know, food was such a crutch for me. And food has always been there... when I'm angry, or when I'm depressed. When I'm tired, or when I'm excited and celebrating. Food has always been there. And I have abused food, and it at times has been my worst enemy. This last month since I've changed my habits, I have come across a new found determination, and grace. I've found that I don't have to be a slave to anything... and I've found that if I truly do love myself, that I will take care of my body, by eating right and excercising. It is truly a great feeling to have taken the control back in regards to my health, and my old ugly habits.
Here's some numbers for those of you who are number watchers:
Day 27: 1,370 calories, 10 glasses of water
Day 28: 1,349 calories, 8 glasses of water
Day 29: 1,274 calories, 12 glasses of water, workout

1 comment:

Pink Slippers said...

I can totally relate to everything you have said...food has meant much to me throughout my life...both a good friend and my enemy. It is a struggle, and when things get tough, remember these wonderful feelings you have now and what it means to take such good care of yourself! I am truly enjoying getting to know you through here!