Saturday, February 25, 2006

I feel like I've found my face again!

3 pounds lost for the week, and TWENTY-SEVEN total so far! You guys, I can't help but feel amazing. As I've been studying my reflection in the mirror lately, I've begun to see a part of myself that has been lost... for years. I've been buried, underneath layers of fat. And the old me is pushing it's way to the surface. I'm just so happy that the old me is emerging once again. I'm about 1/3 of the way to my ultimate goal of 85 pounds. I can't even begin to imagine how I will be feeling then. I'll find out though, 'cause there's stopping this woman. Not this time!
Here's my last couple of days numbers:
Day 46: 1,125 calories, 8 glasses of water
Day 47: 1,436 calories, 12 glasses of water, workout ( You see SueAnne, you made me drink more water!)


SueAnne said...

Wow Kristina!
You look fantastic! And I only have your profile picture to compare to! But way to go! I hope to find my face too! You enspire me!

bodiski said...

It's not just the weight loss that is making you more beautiful. Your happiness is shinning thru.

Jodie :o)

Kristina said...

Thank you ladies, I really appreciate your support!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Oh my word!! I can't (well, ok, I really can) believe it! You are definatly unstopable. Just completely UNSTOPABLE!! You are my American Idol.


Chickadeeva said...

You are gorgeous. Always have been, but I'm glad the weight loss has helped you accept it.

Kristina said...

I love American Idol! Wow, you make me feel famous. : )
Elicia, you are so generous with your compliments. Thank you, I am humbled.