Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Hey y'all, I love hearing how everyone is doing. I'm still plugging along with Prism, I'm on week 5 (technically) and I get to weigh in on week seven, so I don't know how much I've lost. But people have begun to notice, which is great, my clothes are fitting way better and I'm just trucking along.
yesterday was a good day for me because my roomate made cookies, that smelt devine, and I didn't think seriously of having one. I just enjoyed the smell, and got oughta there! Also, last night for my evening snack I had this really good orange and I purposfully savored every bite, knowing that was all I could have. I was a real victory. The night before I scarfed my orange down and wanted another one, but had to "suffer" through not having another one. So just enjoying what I had was a great start.
I've settled into around 1100 calories a day with 7-9 glasses of water. I still need to intergrate exercise, I think I'm going to kick that in phase two.
Thanks for the stories and the support!


Pink Slippers said...

Mandi! So good to hear from you, I cannot believe it has been 5 weeks since you started already! I am glad things are going so well for you and what restraint around those baking cookies! As you can tell, I did not share the same restraint as you, I am very impressed!

Mom2the6Rs said...

You go, girl! I am your number one fan! Can't wait to see ya tomorrow. Are you coming over after school? Are you staying the night?


Kristina said...

I was happy to see you post and happy to hear how well you've been doing! Isn't it fun when people start making comments about how you're changing?
Way to exhibit self control with only having an orange. Excellent choice my friend!
Keep up the great work woman!


Debbie said...

Hi Mandi,
I bet you are looking fabulous, darling. Keep us posted. I look in every week and try and see everyone's progress. As for me, well, I'm still in the stalling process--down one week, up the other. But, I'm will continue!!!!
Love to you,
Debbie L.