Thursday, March 09, 2006

Girl Power and Weight Loss!

We are doing it - an inch at a time, a pound at a time. WOW, can you believe it - we have lost almost 240 pounds. I know my part is small, but 8.2 pounds is a big thing to me. Kristina is having a great success with her incredible recent weight loss but we should not forget that for some of us it takes longer. Every pound is really important to the person who lost it. It means a change in lifestyle and choosing to make better decisions on a daily basis. It means going forward when you didn't see the results you wanted or when you have slipped up and indulged. Nothing can beat the feeling of standing on that scale and seeing lower numbers or trying on clothes that you haven't been able to get into for a long time and having them fit. I have boxes of clothes waiting for me. I used to joke about myself and say I belonged to "the size a month club". I will be packing for a cruise to the Caribbean next week. I am looking forward to trying on my size 12's summer shorts and capri's. Here's to GIRL POWER and weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pink Slippers said...

You said it sister! My weight loss is slow...but I am still going down! Keep up the great work, and I like your size of the month club...don't wanna be there, but it's funny! :)

Kristina said...

Jodie is right about everyone's weight loss journeys. Everyone does lose at a different pace, and every single pound lost is a victory in and of itself. I would also like to point out that I has VERY big. I was at my heaviest weight ever... over 250 pounds. ( Wow, that certainly is humbling to report). Anyhow, typically, the bigger you are, the faster the pounds shed. Not in every case, but in most.
Jodie, I'm proud of your accomplishment so far, and on your frame, 8 1/2 pounds will cleary make a difference. : ) It is not an easy path, but it is worth it.
Have a wonderful time in the Caribbean. I must say, I'm a bit jealous. But good for you. Have fun shaking your booty in those size 12's!


bodiski said...

Thanks you guys. And I do plan to "shake my booty" salsa dancing. :o)

Mom2the6Rs said...

I love you, Yommy! 8.2 pounds is fantastic! Size 12, here you come! Girl power!!
