Friday, March 31, 2006


Well, the scale officially hates me. I'm up two pounds.
But, it's actually not bothering me. Is she crazy, you ask? No, she's not. I've made good choices most of the week. The bad choices have not weighed me down. I can feel my body changing- before? not so much.
So I'm doing ok. I hope one day the scale reflects the changes. I'm sure it has to eventually.


SueAnne said...

Oh, the power of the nasty metal box! Back-you horrible beast! Back!

I am glad you didn't give up because of what the beast said to you! Keep going and make your changes permanently part of your lifestyle. The beast will be tamed eventually.

Chickadeeva said...

Yes, what does that Beast understand of discipline, desire and drive?

Carry on! :-)

Pink Slippers said...

Oh the dreaded scale! I hate the scale! I am on strike against the scale! When I work my hardest it seems to crush me in one single moment of time. Leaves me feeling defeated and wanting to throw it all in. Why should I give such power over to that object? Well,I am trying harder not to do that. Instead, I work to judge my success by how I feel, how good I take care of myself and I know I have lost weight when my clothes start getting baggy. Not that I don't give in to the temptation of that scale every now and then, but I am working to not let it hold so much power over me! Keep up the work Paige, and banish the scales lies from you!!!! Tina