Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Slow and steady wins the race right?

Here are my stats for the week. I weighed in tonight (WW) and I was down a whopping .6 of a pound! I am rejoicing in this ladies. Better down than up:)

Total bank points used: 22
mochas: 2

Things to enjoy when the scale doesn't obey.........

Looser clothing!

That feeling 10-30 minutes after you've eaten and you realize you are not overstuffed and you don't need to unbutton your pants!

Your husband saying "You're my little hotty".

Enjoying ONE serving of girl scout cookies and knowing you could've eaten the whole box.

We Ate It, We Moved It, and We Lost It blogger site. Encouraging words from friends.

Thinking about the pounds you have lost and picturing that many sticks of butter hanging from your body:)

Your Chiropractors secretary not recognizing you because you look so good.

Working out, feeling good about it and NOT feeling like you will drop dead immediately.

Publishing pictures of your baggy butt jeans on the internet!

Love you guys!


Pink Slippers said...

That was GREAT! Congrats on the loss!

Kristina said...

What an encourager you are SueAnne! I loved this post. : )
And hey, you went down .6, NOT up. This is very, very good. Keep it up girl.


Mom2the6Rs said...

I loved this inspiring post! How fun. Good job on the weight loss, girl! Isn't this blog a great part of your day? It is mine. You have all made it such a beautiful, hilarious place to be.
