Monday, March 06, 2006

RUN! Girl Scout Cookies in the house!!!!

Hello ladies!
It has been an interesting week with the flu and all. And the girl scout cookies I ordered from my friend's daughters (before the big life style change) have arrived. I have enjoyed one serving this week. I suppose knowing the point value keeps me to one serving instead of the whole box! It is a good thing!

Frank and I went on our date night. Went to Famous Dave's for the first time. I have definately enetered into the gray area in my food choices this weekend. Still counting, still pointing, but not as many healthy choices. Famous Dave's was wonderful. I enjoyed ribs, garlic mashed potatos and onion strings. Not exactly healthy choices, however, I ate very small portions, enjoyed every bite and didn't leave feeling stuffed! Calling it a succes! Enjoyed the time and my husband too! It's all good.

Here is this weeks info so far...
Day22 (15 pts.) ;4 glasses of water, 3 fruit servings (sick day-survived)
Day 23 (24+ pts); 12 glasses of water;2 fruit and veggies
Day 24 (24+ pts); 6 glasses of water; 4 fruit and veggies (Famous Dave's day)
Day 25 (24+ pts); 8 glasses of water; 5 fruit and veggies
Day 26 (8 pts -so far); 8 glasses of water; 1 fruit and 4 veggies

bank points used so far this week:22
mochas this week:1 (yes only 1!)

Kimiko, Jo, and I have women's retreat this weekend. That will be hard. They feed us 3 squares a day which is good for me, but the goody table is always open. Sweets -my weakness -yikes!


Mom2the6Rs said...

Just bring your notebook with you to the sweet table and write down every bite you put into your mouth and be honest about it. You can do it! Or, puruse it with a friend, spy something you want to spend bank points on, figure out the exact bank points, and then enjoy it if you can spare the points! Thats what flex is for, right? Have fun. I am jealous. I need a retreat so bad.


Kristina said...

Hey girl, way to cut back on the mochas! That is not a small sacrifice. : ) Hey, do you like lattes? Because you know, they have a nice assortment of sugar free flavors, and then of course you can order it with non fat milk. That's whaat I've been doing if I want a little extra coffe treat.
Anyhow, have a wonderful time at the retreat. And you know, you could always pack along a few more healthy snacks too, so as not to succumb to a candy binge. I know, I've got a major sweet tooth too.

SueAnne said...

I know YOU are keeping track of the mocha count and I am scared! Unfortunately, I am not big on lattes but maybe I will have to try something new. I love my coffee!

Come with us!!!:)

Chickadeeva said...

happily my hubby bought cookies in flavors I don't like.

Kristina said...

I had to laugh out loud when I read your reply to my comment. I am such a numbers person... sometimes to my own detriment.

Pink Slippers said...

Lovin the Samoas! LOVE EM! Ok, so I had a few...but I did not eat the whole box! WOO HOO! Way to go on your portion control!