Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Kickin BUTT (not your saggy jean butt Julie, just general butt)

Ok, so we are now learning lock moves in martial arts. It is where you take another persons arm, twist it into a pretzel and squeeze until they wince in pain and hopefully they will "tap" (which is where you tap with your other hand to be released, notification of pain) out. I was paired up with a teenage boy. Unfortunately on my Weds class, it is all boys and one mama, me. Hmmm, it's a teensy bit weird. Or maybe a lot weird. So here I am, all 5'3" of me and what do I have to do to this teenage boy? I have to straddle him. Yup, you read that right. Ok, talk about a little uncomfortable. Glad I have known him since he was shorter than me, and I kind of feel like I might owe his mom an apology. Wait til she hears, "Jordan's mom had to straddle me today in martial arts and do arm locks on me for 40 minutes!". (Oh, and did I tell the story here where another teenage boy in class hit me in the boob? Well, if not, maybe I will later, I am still in therapy over that one) Nice. Thanks Master Chang. So anway, he is a higher ranking belt than me, well actually everyone is. Anyway, I was able to practice these locks on him the whole time so I could understand how they are done (he being the higher rank, he doesn't need the practice like I do). Let me tell you, I was exhausted! I have seen my son do this for years, and thought "He is just sitting there, hardly moving at all, how could he be so winded and tired?" Ha. Never judge what you have not done. It is HARD work to get their arms in those awkward positions, remembering all the moves you have to do and then to do it hard enough to get them to be in pain! So, long story short, I am still really enjoying martial arts, except the boob and straddling thing. (that sounds so bad it makes me giggle) I am getting a great workout and learning a thing or two (or at least I hope) about defending myself. Maybe I will gain a little more self confidence out of the whole deal and not be such a chicken all the time.

Here is today's menu:
Breakfast: cereal soy milk
Lunch: veggie stir fry over brown rice w/ hoisin sauce
Snack: pineapple w/ cottage cheese
Dinner: enchiladas and salad
Snack: banana and ice cream sandwich, chocolate! YUM!


Kristina said...

I was laughing as I read this Tina. I can't imagine having to straddle any teenaged boy... that's gotta be weird. Too funny. And the boob thing, I think I'd be in therapy too.
I'm glad that you're still enjoying it so much though. I'd imagine you're getting an excellent workout. Keep it up girl! : )


Chickadeeva said...

I can appreciate your struggle. I was in a class where I studied Aikido take-down moves for a year, and I was the ONLY woman. THE ONLY ONE. One time, we were doing ground techniques where we all LAID ON TOP of one person (so, five people laying long ways over a body) and the person beneath was meant to struggle out from underneath everyone.

TALK ABOUT EMBARASSING! Here I was, 5'4, woman, laying under FIVE GUYS and wiggling out from under them. It took a lot of maturity. (ON MY PART!)

Hang in there. These moves could save your life.

SueAnne said...

Thank you for the morning laugh! You are a brave and inspiring woman. Way to go!

Mom2the6Rs said...

This is the funniest post ever! You are so funny! You get extra points for funny. Really. You do. I think it wouuld be fine to straddle some boy, just don't let him straddle me, thank you very much! And the boob thing...can't wait for that story. They have to find out sooner or later that you have them, right?


Mom2the6Rs said...

Also...I can't believe how much this saggy jean butt is getting me. I must have REALLY impressed you all.


bodiski said...

Great Post. I now have this funny little movie of you playing in my head. You really made me laugh. Good luck on future moves.


Pink Slippers said...

Thanks for the encouragement all. I do know this is a great tool for me to have and learn...but boy it puts a girl in some pretty comprimising positions! (And I cannot IMAGINE climbing out from under 5 guys! ACK, blush)