Saturday, March 04, 2006


I don't like this battle much, I confess. But I embrace it as your chosen path for me. I don't have any strength of my own to say no to my addictions. To break and form new habits. To recognize and change destructive patterns. I ask not that you strengthen me to fight the battle, but that in my weakness, you live your resurrected life in me and through me. Clothe me in humility, so that whether I ever shed another pound, my life reflects the beauty of your love, your peace and your work in me. Let me not become so focused on a goal that I lose sight of all that is truly important. Thank you for the changes on the outside and within me. And may even this thorn in my flesh be used for your glory and to bless others. In times of plenty and times of suffering, may my hearts cry be ....Blessed be the name of the LORD
In the name of Jesus,

1 comment:

Mom2the6Rs said...

Amen and beautifully said.
