Sunday, March 05, 2006


Dear Ladies,

I am terrified of the scales, because I am terrified of any discouragement I may encounter after all of you have motivated the heck out of me. That's why I haven't stepped on since I joined you two weeks ago.

My scales routine is very cautious. Before I step on, I get in my mind what I think they will say and highball the estimate by a couple of pounds. "195" I'll say before I step on, even though I know I might cry if that's what the scales really show. "Barbecue, chocolate, jelly beans," and yes, Jules, "cupcakes," I'll think, going through all of the bad things I've eaten since I last weighed. And when I step on, my eyes are shut. I have to take a couple breaths before I can look.

Today I am 5.5 lbs below where I started two weeks ago. I feel so grateful to all of you that I could cry. I've lost weight before, but it has never been as easy as it has been knowing that you are all cheering me and eachother on. Thank you.

22 sticks of butter down. On to 40!

All my love,


Mom2the6Rs said...

Wow, Lisa! Very impressive, and very dramatic, too! You are funny! I have the same thing, almost exactly, going through my mind when I step on the scale. It is a torment, a self imposed torment.


SueAnne said...

Way to go Lisa! That is so awsome! Keep it up. It's a lifestyle:)

Kristina said...

Great job Lisa! And I agree with Jules, you are FUNNY! Isn't it funny the rituals that we will under go?
Anyhow, I"m proud of you. Keep up the good work.


Paige said...

Wow Lisa!! That's great- I love when the scale surprises me by going DOWN!!

We all have scale rituals I bet, I know I do.