Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Pushing through

So you all know I've been in the midst of a bit of a plateau... I had a loss last week but I'm not sure I actually believe it. But, I'm doing some things to try and get myself out of the rut.
I have been drinking water (Kristina is my inspiration here!)- and for two days in a row I drank 9 glasses of water!!! I'm thrilled. Also, I went out and spent the $$ on the TransFIRMer system- the new The Firm videos. I love them so far, I'm thrilled!! I'm tracking all my food intake on a website I just found- www. it's a fantastic site!! It keeps track of calories, fat, etc etc and so much more.
Even if the plateau remains, I'm feeling good about being proactive. AND, even if the scale is being mean to me, I have a few pairs of pants that are falling off!!!


SueAnne said...

You sound so positive-I love it!

Chickadeeva said...

Wow! You have all the elements here for success. This tells me that you are NOT in a plateau, but in a LAUNCH mode. I would like to remind you how they have to count down from 10 to 1 when they blast a rocket out of the atmosphere.

I count 10) water intake 9) website sparkpeople 8) pants falling 7) The Firm tapes 6) the list goes on and on!

Stand back people, the blast'll kill ya!

Kristina said...

So glad to hear your up beat tone Paige! And woo-hoo about the baggy pants! That is so great. :)
