Monday, March 13, 2006

This is how I've been feeling the last couple of days...

Periods can make a sane person kind of crazy... in more ways than one. It seems like all I've been wanting to do is snack. I even had some banana cream pie last night. ( We did have company over though). BUT, I did work out this morning, so that will help off set the pie... right? I'm hoping so. It's cool because I'm starting to see more definiton in my legs... like when I was much younger and athletic. They will never be the same, but I'm sure working hard to make them look as good as they can at this stage in my life.
Anyhow, I hope the rest of you are having a good
Monday. Here's the numbers from over the weekend:
Day 64: 1,529 calories, 8 glasses of water, workout
Day 65: 1,708 calories, 7 glasses of water. ( I know, I pigged out) : (


Mom2the6Rs said...

Now girl, in a previous comment you made to one of the other ladies, you said you were not allowing yourself to be guiltified by your pie indulgence...are you taking that back now? Just move on, girl. It was one speed bump in your amazingly smooth and straight road ahead. Just keep shooting for 1500 calories, max, and drink that water, and you will all but erase that pie!

Love you, Jules

Mom2the6Rs said...

Great photo find, by the way.

I can taste that cookie.

My mouth says yummy, but the chocolate would give me an instant headache. No way, not for me no more.


Kristina said...

Just so you know, no, I don't feel guilty. I've been working really hard, and have been doing very well. A little pie once in a while is not going to do me in. It is so much more difficult when you're on you cycle though.

Pink Slippers said...

Oh, can I relate...those darn hormones, sending us into an eating frenzy (or at least wannabe)Sounds like you did great. You ate it, and I hope you enjoyed it! Now back to business!