Monday, March 13, 2006

An Aha Moment!

Thursday night, I was at my Prism meeting, listening to a guy in our program talk about his success at the Y and feeling that his exercising was his most positive part of the program. As I listened, I had an Aha moment. I began to think about the incredible job my body was doing at assisting me in reaching my goals. Sure, I was putting good food, limited calories, and lots of water into my mouth, but from there on out, MY BODY was doing all the work. It has been chemically altering my fat and whisking it away from my vital organs and my middle and my everywhere. It has been generating energy to get me through the days and it has been converting all of this good nutrition into fuel.

For years, I always thought of my body as my worst enemy. I blamed my body for betraying me. Other people seemed to be able to eat whatever they wanted and they never grew fat. My sister's body seemed to be able to take the food and metabolize it quickly. Why couldn't my body? (Never mind the fact that my sister probably didn't consume as many calories as I suspected she did and that she was a first string player on our high school volleyball team). But since doing this program, I have seen that it was not my body's fault at all. My body is my best friend right now, doing all the hard work for me. Truthfully, it has been on my side from day one, but I have not treated it well.

I think it was Dr. Phil who said something like this, "You cannot be overweight unless you live a lifestyle to support it."



Chickadeeva said...

YES! I too have felt my body betrayed me. Since being diagnosed (I have fibromyaliga) I've had to learn to be ONE with my body. I always thought my mind was briliant and my body was something I would drag around behind me. But now I'm learning to be 'AT ONE WITH MY DUALITY' and appreciate that my body IS ME. Its hard, and its easy to distance myself from my body and say 'IT IS THIS WAY' but like Jules said, its helping us to live long. The body wants to live and live abundantly!

I'm SO SORE from snowboarding on Saturday. I can barely lift my arms and I can barely get up standing on my own with out attracting attention like wiggly old lady. But I'm happy I was able to play with my family on the slopes and what doesn't kill me makes me stronger!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Fine, I have an aha moment and one out of 19 women comment. Fine. Be that way.


Pink Slippers said...

Ooops, sorry, I was getting to it! I love an aha moment. Thank you for sharing it with us! (I wish I had more of them...)