Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This weeks numbers

Hello everyone! I weigh in again tonight. Not expecting a lot. My journal is revealing...

Thu-24+ points; 12 glasses of water; work out
Fri- 23 points;12 glasses of water
Sat-24+ points;7 glasses of water
Sun-24+ points;7 glasses of water
Mon-24+ points; 12 glasses of water
Tue-24+ points;8 glasses of water
Mon (so far) 9 points; 10 glasses of water

Bank points used this week: 34 (out of 35) yikes! That would be..ummm.....icecream. Had a little problem this week.....
Mochas:1 ONLY one! That is for you Kristina!

I hope everyone is well. Remember it is not a sprint, it is a marathon!


Paige said...

SueAnne that's great!!! The bank points? Are there to USE!! That's why they're there. You did wonderful with the water drinking. :)

Kristina said...

I had to laugh out loud SueAnne when I saw your mocha comment. :)
And you are seriously kicking butt in the water department.
Just remember, it's one day at a time. Keep it up and the weight will follow.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Good job, SueAnne. I was beginning to wonder where you and your mom have gone? We miss you when you don't blog!
