Monday, March 20, 2006

I've been MIA and so has my weight loss

Sorry I haven't been around much. I had another cold last week, I know I'm a whiner. So I didn't have any fun exercise tales to tell. I did pretty good eating, so that's good. The food journaling is not going so well right now, but I'll get back into it. At some point.

This morning I tried to do Carmen Electra's Striptease "workout" video. I'm not sure that anyone actually got a workout, because I know for sure that I didn't. And then I got uncomfortable with all the touching "As you do the sexy walk forward, touch your body!" and then at 23 minutes in and all I had really done was stand there, roll my head a few times, and listen to Carmen talk, I decided it was a waste of time. I wouldn't recommend it. My next attempt will be the Firm videos, when they come from Netflix. Hopefully I'll have better tales to tell about them!!!

It's not that I lied a week and a half ago when I said I was going to weigh myself, it's that I'm weak, so very weak!! So when my sister and weight loss buddy told me "It's water weight!" I decided that I better weigh myself this week to make sure.

They were wrong. And I should have refrained from temptation, because it did not a pretty weekend make. I weighed exactly the same, and while I can console myself by the fact that at least it's not another 1/2 pound up, I still want it to be going down. So I'm trying very very hard to convince myself to get back going. I did ok eating today (except for the hot chocolate and donut, ahemermahem) and plan to exercise tomorrow? If I feel like it?

One bright spot is that Yoga for Weight Loss starts Wednesday. I'm excited. AND, ladies, even though I'm not commenting, I'm reading, and you guys continue to be an inspiration. I hope one day to be as cool as you. And lose weight like you are. :)


Mom2the6Rs said...

Paige, You sound down...You sound like you are wishing you were someone else. You are so worth taking care of! You are so important! Please see yourself that way. I don't even know you and I have never met you, but I know that you are special and that you deserve the very best care. Take care of you, girl. Take care of you! No matter what it takes, you have to take care of you.

I hope tomorrow is a better day.


Pink Slippers said...

Paige, I am in full understanding of your struggles. Getting the right foods in all the time is not always an easy task. The next meal is another opportunity to make a great decision. I know you can do it too and it will feel great when you do! Hang in there, we are rooting for you!

Kristina said...

I'm sorry that you are struggling so. I agree with Jules, you sound so down. And you need to realize that you are worth taking care of. That you deserve to be healthier and happier.
Now, as for the strip tease workout... I didn't even realize that they made such a thing. I kind of chuckled when I read that. Only because I can't imagine THIS big, modest girl ever doing one. I know you don't know me, but those that do, would die if they ever saw me attempt one. : )
Let's see how the Yoga class goes, that sounds like it may be fun. I'm glad that you're looking forward to it. You need to find something that you enjoy to do while trying to lose weight. For me, it is my 30 minute workout at Curves. It's short, sweet, and to the point. I get to interact with other women, there's music, there's routine. It's worked very well for me. Everyone is different.
Anyhow, I hope your week goes better. We are here to support you girl! Keep your chin up.
