Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thanks Julie

That really helped boost me today, reading your first blog. I can not believe that it was just over a year ago that you started back on your journey. You have made great success and I know that loosing the weight is only half the problem. The other is keeping it off sensibly. With your support and the support from the bloggers, I know that I can do this. I have decided that every time I am hungry or craving something from the wrong department I will sit down and blog. This will be possible because the only time that I crave something that I should not have, I am at home bored. I am finding things around the house that I should have done a long time ago to keep me busy and occupied. Wish me luck and hope.


Lisa said...

Kim, it's so wonderful to hear how inspired you sound. Of course we will all be here to cheer you on!

I can't wait to hear of all of your successes!


Chickadeeva said...

Hi Kim - You sound like you have what you need - and if you really are going to blog when you're hungry, then you can also bring a glass o water to the computer - that water drinking is SOOOOO GOOD FOR YA!

We look forward to hearing more of your journey!