Thursday, January 11, 2007

Lost my mojo

Hello everyone,

I just can't find my inspiration to push through. YOU ladies are the very thing that makes me not give up all together. Love your posts and inspiration:) Hanging out in the plateau....heading into a slump.......

Wow, I am the downer in the group right now-yikes!


Mom2the6Rs said...

SueAnne, I just picked up a new book on nutrition, it is the YOU on a Diet book by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen. Maybe reading something funny, intelligent, and inspiring will do the trick. Maybe you need to set some new goals. Think about where you want to be in a ten. I know for me, I am excited about starting my late thirties and early forties with a healthy baseline.

Love to you, Jules

Lisa said...

SueAnne, I'm right here with you, honey. I have decided to stick my head in the sand (temporarily) and not worry too much about my weight.

Instead, I'm making several conscious eating choices (breakfast every morning, along with a midmorning snack so I don't feel super-hungry by lunch) and generally trying to be good (all of the Christmas chocolate is in a box in the freezer so I won't eat it unless I really want it enough to let it defrost) and waiting to see where things shake out. Otherwise I'm trying to stay active, but not obsessing over making it to the gym. Once I feel okay about hopping on the scale again, I will.

While this may or may not work for you, I don't want you to feel down about yourself for a pause in momentum. You have done so much already and you KNOW you can do more, so relax. One day you'll look up and say "Okay, I'm ready to keep going."

We're all here for you.


Chickadeeva said...

That's the ticket really SueAnne - refreshing your goal so the path doesn't seem so long. Its a marathon all right and darned if putting one foot in front of another is really hard!

SueAnne, maybe if you think of ONE foot and ONE meal at a time it will be easier.

What part in particular are you having trouble with? The food part? The water part?

Is it an ACTUAL STALL or a PERCEIVED STALL - meaning do you just FEEL stuck or are you literally stuck. Perceived stalls are harder to get out of sometimes!

With the actual stall, jumping the battery with a great new inspiration like a book could really help.

A perceived stall can benefit from a visual like Julie reccomended to Kimiko - that jar o rocks where she puts in a pretty white stone in a jar to represent her good choices.

Giving yourself a chance to distingish the way you feel from the way it is really makes a difference.

Good that you called out! We're with you! Just do something good for yourself today - whatever it is!

Mom2the6Rs said...

I think, in the end, it is choosing the life YOU want to live. That free choice thing that God gave us. Our greatest gift and our greatest curse, depending on our choices. If you choose to never do anything ever again about your weight, well, it won't be the end of the world. Your kids will adore you till your dying day, Jesus will still reign on high, your dishes will still be cleaned and your laundry completed...but will YOU be happy? Will you be satisfied with your choices? What will it limit for you? What doors will it close? Could it actually shorten your life here? Effect your quality of life in general? These are the tough questions we ALL have to ask ourselves. What do we really want? Who do we really want to be? On every level....

Hope today is filled with inspiration to Live your best life.

Love, Jules

SueAnne said...

Wow, You guys are the best. I thought I was just being a whiner. I have to remember it is a long term thing. I just want to live a healthier life and have the energy to really live it.
Thank you for the kind words and recommendations. I think I will take Jules up on the inspiring book. I put it on hold at the library. Been meaning to read that one anyway:)
See you guys next week.
Lisa and Amy, have fun!

Mom2the6Rs said...

SueAnne, I just ordered the book for you on It is on it's way.

Love, Jules

Kristina said...

Sueanne, I just recently got my own mojo back. And no, you are NOT being a whiner. This is a tough road for many of us, I know for me at times, it's been very tough. But the key is to not give up if you've been sidetracked by a pound,(or eleven) in my case. But girlfriend, look at what I did in just one week. I've ALREADY lost five of what I'd gained.
Just keep your eyes on the prize, and visualize what you'd like to look like perhaps by the Spring. That's what I'm doing. I'm not settling for looking good, when I know that I have the ability to look great...