Monday, January 29, 2007

I need help.

I'm at the end of my rope. I really and truly am. I have alot of family stress right now, and am trying very hard to not completely give up on the weight loss thing. I know that three weeks or four weeks ago when I started again I was full of resolve and determination. Watching the scale creep back up has done that resolve in.
I did the Diabetic Exchange and had fantastic results. The problem I'm having with that is what happened in September- I stopped doing it rigidly and then got completely out of control. For three months I plateaued until I gained the 8 pounds in December. I'm back at a plateau- I lost most of the 8 pounds, but now this morning I'm back up.
I'm putting the scale away, but I desperately need help. I need two things:
Encouragement and motivation
and a Plan. A direction.

So. Please tell me what you do. Some of you have had some wonderful results, and have been doing this and losing much more consistently than I have. I know that the motivation needs to come from within- I KNOW. It's there, but right now I just feel completely lost. I'm lost on what exercise I should be doing, what I should be eating... the more I read about what I should do, the more lost I feel. One place tells me to cut my calories to 1200. The next one tells me if I do that long-term I'll kill my metabolism, put them at 1500. Or 1800. Or do this math problem to figure them out. Or do 1200 for three days then 1700 for three days. Do more weights. NO! Do more cardio!

My inches haven't budged. I've been doing the Firm, I've actually been exercising fairly consistently. But the inches are stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. When people tell me now I look like I've lost weight- I think they're lying. Because the inches and the weight are totally stuck.

And so am I. Right now I'm asking for help. I'm also considering this book: Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle, but it's an e-book. All the online reviews are great, but I don't know anyone IRL that's ever done it. Lastly, I'm considering going back to my PCP and asking her for some direction. Something. Anything. I'm lost. And frustrated. And I just don't need this right now. But I don't want to give up completely.

OMG. Thanks so much if you got to the end of the rant.


Anonymous said...


We've all been there and feel your frustration for sure. Hang in there, we're here for you. To be exact about 6 months ago I was in the same place. I'd started Weight Watchers (which is a great program, but at the time, it gave me too much freedom and I wasn't concentrating on nutritious/balanced eating). I honestly think that it depends on what you can do for a lifetime. I finally decided to concentrate on "getting healthy" and to stop concentrating on "dieting". I started walking and finally after some soul searching and A LOT of praying, I decided to start Prism (which is a wonderful program and very freeing in a weird way). You have the choice to weigh every 6 months. But I, like you, got discouraged by the scale because it never moved down as fast as I'd liked it to. I hope this helps and don't get discouraged, we're here for you!!! :0)

Mom2the6Rs said...

Paige, I just started my own group us using the Prism curriculum as our guide. This is the program that Kristina, Glitzy Guru, SueAnne, Robin and I have been on. (I think Kimiko gave it a whirl as well.) Kristin and Kimberly are just starting this program. You can go to and contact them for a meeting time in your area. I think you need a group. If you had a weekly meeting to go to, I think you would be much more successful. PRISM has many benifits...journaling, no sugar, no white flour, calorie range to shoot for, daily studies that speak to the "why" we eat, and weekly videos that are really informative with experts from many fields.

I highly recomend. Sorry you are frustrated, girl. Sometimes we have to decide if we are really worth fighting for...I think you are! Press on. Don't give up.

Love, Jules

Kimberly B. said...

I am sorry that you are struggling. I think that weight is the one thing that is the hardest addiction to deal with. I started finally Prism with Julie. And let me tell you that I feel great. It is strict but worth it. Disipline is my problem, but I know that I need to love myself or noone else will. I wish you all the luck and hope in the world. If you can, find a group to go to. You may see that it is easier to loose when you have friends there on the journey with you. Hope to hear from you again soon.

kimiko said...

I am so sorry that you are struggling. But don't give up! It isn't how many times you fall down but rather how many times you get up. I can so identify with your frustration. The only thing that helped me get my mind straight and wrapped around this seemingly undoable task was to #1 put away the scale. Maybe only weigh your self every 2 weeks or 1 a month. #2 Realize this isn't a race. Your only competion is yourself. So there is no need to cut your calories so far that you feel like you are not getting enough. Find out what works best for you and stick to it. #3 try to walk at least 4 times a week for 30 mins to an hour. #3 Be good to yourself! Take pride in the small daily accomplishments you make. For instance if you drink all the ounces of water you are supose to, brag a bit. If you exercise, if you choose a healthy choice of food instead of something bad, brag. These are things that are helping me to stay on track. I am still working on losing the 8 pounds I gained during the Christmas season too. You will acomplish your goals, I have faith in you!

~Jennifer said...

I can very much relate. I've been in the place you are in so many times, and I'm just coming out of that place again. In the past I've been very successful at losing weight by eating whole grains, taking vitamins, drinking plenty of water, and not skipping breakfast. The problem is I always go back to overeating and the weight comes back on.

This time I'm trying really hard to figure out what's behind my insatiable appetite. I'm reading Constant Craving by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D. It's been interesting and inspiring.

Another thing I've done is rather drastic. I've registered to walk in the 3 Day Breast Cancer walk. The only way I'm going to be able to walk 60 miles is if I start walking now and slowly build up to walking longer distances. And it's for a good cause. Two bonuses. Plus as my sister-in-law and I build our team we're also building a support group. That's something I haven't tried yet, but I think it will be a great encouragement to have others to work with and walk with, not just to lose weight, but to really push ourselves past our comfort zones.

SueAnne said...

Oh Paige! I am so sorry you are feeling so blue. I am with you! Just trying not to give up completely.

Are you a reader? "The PRISM Weight Loss Program" is actually a book by Karen Kingsbury, and is a safe way to check the program out ahead of time. It is VERY inspiring. I got mine from the library. I did PRISM for about four months and definitely felt the best and got the best results from that. I am in the dumps too and trying to find my reboot.

In the long run, the PRISM lessons left me wanting some more solid spiritual food. Amy turned me on to It is a totally free on-line course with some solid, well written daily devotionals on overeating. I actually ordered a hard copy of The Lord's Table bible study (same as the on-line version) from Amazon, because I like to write and high-lite when I am doing my study. This is feeding me spiritually and helping me to find the practical side of changing life long habits.

Don't give up!!!!!