Tuesday, August 22, 2006

That is IT!

I have changed my goal, to ten pounds lighter. I've been searching out "ideal" body weights for my height, and have seen that my old goal was at the very end of some of the scales. In fact, it wasn't even on some of the scales. Recently it has been made clear to me that I am in fact NOT large boned, but only medium. It's just that I've been carrying around all of that extra padding for so many years! So girls, 145 pounds is my new goal. Please, PLEASE help me get there. I really want to do this for myself.


Glitzyguru said...

that's awesome! It takes a lot of confidence to know you can do it, and you CAN!! It was good to hear your voice in the background yesterday. I found a grocery store today, but only bought food for breakfast and lunch. If I didn't have to walk so far, I would have gotten more for dinner. But the exercise is good. :)
love, mandi

Amy Witt said...

You can do it girl!!! Way to realize that the goal is not just a number but a healthy weight and body. It is hard when you seem to be near the mark to move the goalposts back but it takes courage and determination. You have both.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Take it on down, girlfriend! Just wrestle that number down to the ground, sista!

WhooHoo. Hey, I did the BMI number thingie at it says your ideal BMI should be between 19-25, well, when I was at my highest weight, my BMI was 39.8...I have gotten it down to 30! WhooHoo for me!

We are on our way, chickaroo.

Love you,

Chickadeeva said...

That's a great, solid and healthy number. I like it!

Congratulations to you and Jules on those BMI numbers!