Wednesday, August 16, 2006

On the Sunnyside

I feel like every time I post here lately, I'm just bringing a big ol' bummer down on everyone. "Ooh, work was lousy today and all I want is bourbon and chocolate." "Ooh, everything went wrong today so I went to the Y - be proud of me." "Ooh, I'm a pound away but I was bad ...cheer me up." In short, I feel like I've been needy and quite possibly the world's biggest whiner. Who needs to be like that?

Time for an attitude adjustment.

Today, I budgeted for the breakdown that I could see coming from about 7:30 this morning. Did you know that there are 600 calories in a full pint of Blue Bell's Great Divide ice cream? Scary enough, I did. Off the top of my head. I knew that's what I wanted for dinner so that's what I did - and stayed within my calories. And got some calcium in the process.

In good news: Despite last week's indiscretions I still managed to drop a pound. We're more than halfway through the week. I've been going to the Y even when I'm so tired on the way there that I think I might drop. I go on vacation in 10 days. I haven't quit my job (yet). And each and every one of you amazing women has accomplished something this week that not too long ago you were afraid of, were resistant to, or thought was impossible. I'm so proud of each of you.

And from now on I'm all about looking on the bright side. (But I wouldn't mind a prayer or two if you happen to think of it. The world's been laying me a little low here lately.)

Your very own repentant blogger,


SueAnne said...

You are so witty. You crack me up. And you have a realistic view of your journey's ups and downs. I know you can stick with it and have a fabulous vacation!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Lisa, I think your high intelligence is shining through. Saving for a pint of ice cream???? You got this thing called "life" figured out! Geesh!

Prayers for your tough situations...


Chickadeeva said...

Hang in there! You can make it!

kimiko said...

No need to fake it when you are not "sunny". We all have had our moments. That is why we are here. The day will come when you are feeling strong and victorious and everything is right in your orbit. Then your posts will be filled have great words of encouragement and hope, until then if you need to vent, we are here and that's what friends are for!
Have a great vacation.

Amy Witt said...

With the heat we are having here in North Texas, who can be cheery. 104 today for those of you in the Pac NW. August is a horrible month in Texas but it makes you appreciate the other 11. Lisa, you are a strong Texas woman and I am proud you call us friend!! Keep on keeping on September is only a month away.

Tracy said...

Sounds like you are getting a well needed vacation!! You dedication to your exercise even when you don't want to is inspiring. WAY TO GO!! As for the Blue Bunny, hey you have to have a treat every now and then. Not many people that are down like that would have took the time to figure their ooops out.
Thanks for your honesty and great job for losing another pound.


Paige said...

I went through a period like that. i think it's still important to keep posting. We're here to support each other- good times AND bad. And when you're honest about the bad, the good is even sweeter.

Sounds like you're hanging in there, though. Have fun on vacation. :)