Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jules checks in...

Hey, group, I haven't posted in awhile! Sorry about that. Well, as slow as the weight loss is going, I am still very excited and have many things to rejoice over! Kristina measured me last week, and in less than 2 months, I have lost 10 more inches! Here are my numbers below. These represent total losses since I started in Jan. I don't really have any numbers from my highest weight...But one could only imagine! I think the numbers off my waist and my hips are really amazing. Oh, and my bust size at the highest place used to be the band size at my smallest circumference! That feels terrific.
Bust (-5.25)
Waist (-10)
Abs (-3.5)
Hips (9)
Thigh (x2) (-6.5)
Arm (x2) (-3.5)

Difference: 37.75 inches lost

Another exciting event in my life is the obtaining of beautiful clothes from my Yommy, who has shrunk out of her size 14's and 12's (she is now in 10's and 8's!!) I have been enjoying so many beautiful things from her closet and there is more to come! She is a bit shorter than me, so some of her things don't work, but I have been blessed to the point of needing to buy more wooden hangers! Thank you, Yommy! You have amazing taste.

So, there it is. I am still journaling every day, but have struggled with the exercise portion. Our YMCA has been closed for repairs. I have been keeping quite active with painting, gardening, marathon house work, and a bit of softball. Our softball season has come to an end (thankfully), but I know that I could never have played last year on the team, I was so out of shape. I need to get back to the Y on a consistent basis.

Onward and upward, ladies!


Kristina said...

Jules, you just look so good! ( I spent a few hours with her again today, and let me tell ya girls, she's a beauty! She always has been, though)
There's just quite a bit of her. : )

I even benefitted from her yommy as she loaned me several size medium, and size 12 clothes! It is SO MUCH fun to be wearing smaller clothes!

Way to go baby, you continue to inspire me.

Love you!


Kristina said...

Uh, there's a typo on the post above....

I meant to say that there's quite a bit LESS of her. Dang it! I knew I should have proof read it first. : (

Paige said...

Jules, that is FANTASTIC!!! I'm so impressed about the inches lost!

I can't wait to be in 12s! Right now though I'm excited that some of my 16s are getting loose and my 18s are falling off!

Get thee back to the Y and keep up the awesome work. :)

Tracy said...

YEAH Jules,

That is amazing on the inches. You are the incredible shrinking woman.
I am sure with 5 kids you are still getting plenty of exercise.
Thanks for being such a wonderful inspiration to me. Keep up the good work.

Love ya-

kimiko said...

Wow Jules, Your numbers are impressive! Great Job! It must feel so good not to have to go to the big girl store any more! I can't wait until I can just go into any store and buy off the rack. You look marvelous!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Thanks, ladies! I feel terrific! You all make me feel even better.

See you next month at the Frolic!


Chickadeeva said...

Jules, every time you post I increase in admiration for you. It can be a timely word, encouragement, cheers or practical suggestions - or posting your own honest numbers - but I do find myself glowing with pride having you as a friend!

Mom2the6Rs said...

Wow, E. Thanks.
