Monday, August 21, 2006

SAHM exercise help

I would love some suggestions for how to get in some much needed exercise when there are three tag alongs. Right now we can not afford gym memberships. We do keep swimming but I know the pool will close in the middle of September so I am planning ahead. I have exercise videos and we have a bike. I know those should be enough to keep me going but some days the thought of the bike just turns my stomach. Like right now I could be up there riding it while watching the View instead I am complaining about not exercising...hey get your hiney up there and ride that bike...Ok...problem solved...thanks for all your advise and help....

BTW--some days I think SAHM could stand for Slave at home instead of stay at home.


Chickadeeva said...

I have had this problem too. The ways I have gotten around it is doing little excercises with the kids - say, putting my daughter on my legs while lifting them up - great weights!

Another things is walking the dogs. Maybe you can plan a nature walk or something for the kids to enjoy that will excercise your body.

We can also INCLUDE the kids in the working out by getting a Kids Praise Video or CD and making up dances to them. That'll get everyone huffing and puffing.

Mom2the6Rs said...

Amy, I know that part of getting moving is really believing that exercise really matters. It does. I just read an article about weight loss that said that if we are just reducing calories, we are not only losing fat, but muscle, too. That is why so many people, when they add more calories, they put on more weight than they originally lost. If we are not excersizing as we reduce our calories, we are harming our bodies. Also, like Kristina has discovered, when you have to lose a lot of weight, you don't want to end up with loose skin...exercise and water are the most important things to prevent this.

Maybe if you put more importance on excersize in your mind and heart, it would be easier to utilize what you do have around you....Just an idea.

I have been using this weighted ball at the Y that could totally be purchased for home use. It is heavy (they come in different weights and sizes) and there are lots of excersizes you can do with these. Even the kids can help you, too. (to some extent)


Kristina said...

I like Chicka's idea, get some music going on and DANCE! Dancing is an excellent way to burn calories. I do it at home on occasion, and let me tell you, I sweat. : )

Melodee said...

Is your bike nice? Maybe get one you like better, if possible.

I love my recumbent bike in my bedroom. I ride it while I watch primetime t.v. at night. It works for me and there's no excuse not to do it after the kids are in bed.

Amy Witt said...

Last night I rode the bike while watching STARZ. Time just flew by. Tonight I will do it again. Thanks for all the encouragement.