Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Quote of the week...

"Kristina... you're withering away to nothin' " This given to me by my chiropractor this afternoon. You gotta love it!


Chickadeeva said...

I can just imagine you blushing and sayin,'Come on..." and thinkin' 'say it again!'

Hee hee! Good going girl.

Funny, no one could tell you how good that was going to feel in advance, but now you know for yourself...and you can encourage others...they won't know for themselves...but YOU are PROOF that it can and DOES happen :-)

Tracy said...

That is great!! I had to laugh at Elicia's comment...because we love to hear those words of encouragement. You yourself knowing and feeling the diffrence is one thing, but for the people around you to notice is another.
WAY TO GO!!!!!!!

kimiko said...

Oh that must felt so good! It is an awesome feeling when others around you notice the change in you. Especially how hard you have been working over the past year. You go girl!