Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Hello everyone,
My weight loss has stalled and so has my determination. I am looking for new inspiration. Thought I would change my workouts. I am on my computer at 5:30am with my workout clothes on and the preschooler got up early. Anybody get a good work out with a three year old hanging around? So now I am thinking, "why try".
We just got back from the Creation Festival at the Gorge in George and it was a great time. Didn't stay sugar free, but ate ok, drank gallons of water and sweated. It was a great time. You guys are doing great and I love your posts:)


Kristina said...

I'm sorry that you're feeling discouraged SueAnne. And sometimes the kiddos don't make matters any easier, either.

One thing I would like to know is, are you still applying the Prism principles? With calorie intake and journaling?I know that if I don't journal, I'm sunk. It's what's kept me honest with what I am really putting in my mouth. I mean, there are certain days or special events, where I still opt not to journal, just to aviod the frustration. But 98% of the time, I am keeping track.

Please know that we all struggle. And some weeks are better than others. And please know that you are not alone. We are all here for you, and pulling for you.


Pink Slippers said...

Dang, I hate it when things stall out! Evaluate your situation and look honestly at what you are doing, workout and foods you are eating. Re-prioritize your goals and get back in there and FIGHT! As for working out with a 3 year old running around, it ain't easy, but it can be done. (I know because my daughter is now 6 and I have been working out 5 days a week for 3 + years now!) Find that little one a great activity (I usually allow my kids to watch ONE tv show in the AM while I workout) I would set her up with juice and a snack and away I would go! I know it's tough, but I also really believe you can do it!

Chickadeeva said...

Maybe you've stalled, but you didn't blow it completely! You drank LOTS Of water, you ATE ok, and you were really aware. That's very much a good proof that your lifestyle is changed.

I agree with the ladies that the power of journalling is so important! Try to keep up with that part if you can.

Hang in there - we all struggle, that's true, but the difference is GETTING BACK UP after a stumble. You will :-)

Mom2the6Rs said...

SueAnne...remeber the cake story you told us at the Spring Fling? You know the power of conquering that demon...You can do this, girl! You might need to appeal to your husband for help with the excersize escape, or maybe a neighbor. Did you see Kimiko's post? This is her day one on Prism! Maybe being her "mentor" will give you extra incentive for staying on task. I know that bringing my friend Kristin into the program a few weeks ago has totlally helped me walk the strait and narrow. I feel like I owe it to her to be a good example.


Amy Witt said...

Praying that you get started again, I have a 2 year old around and exercise with him in the stroller (walking), swim with him in the pool or do it during nap time or after he goes to bed.

SueAnne said...

Thank you everyone, for your words of encouragement:) I will post my journal at the end of this week.

kimiko said...

I am sorry that you are struggling right now. Just keep your nose to the grindstone and put one foot in front of the other. You are living healthy, with more healthy attitudes towards food than you had earlier this year. You are making progress. Sometimes it just seems so dang slow. I understand completely.