Friday, August 18, 2006

I'm still here!

I'm actually in Kentucky, visiting my mom.

I didn't hit my goal last week, i actually stayed exactly the same.

I didn't post because I had a horrible week. Not foodwise, but just... emotionally had some stuff going on. To my credit, i didn't eat my feelings. For that, I am SO PROUD of myself. So proud. That's a big deal step for me.

On the other side, i didn't have such a great day today, in Ky. We went to Dairy queen for lunch. I got a salad, yes, and grilled instead of crispy chicken, but that's about where the good choices ended. I won't regale you with the details, as they are sordid. I will tell you I am going to make a valiant effort to make better choices tomorrow, and even Sunday when I'm back flying and eating airport food.

I don't have an update for you on the calories, as I am at my mom's and tired. I promise, to stay honest, I will do two weeks worth when I get home. won't THAT make for fun reading! :) But I need to stay accountable, somewhere. I'm hoping to have hit my goal this week, but not... optimistic, I guess. BUT I have my doctor's appointment with the diabetes MD on Friday, and my BIG goal was 20 pounds by then. I WILL make that.

I'm glad to hear of all the positive success, and glad when you ladies are honest when things are not going well.



Chickadeeva said...

Yeah! We're happy you're here and you're sticking with your program. Hang in there girly - you'll totally make your goal!

Lisa said...

Sorry things haven't been easier for you, but you know what? I'm proud that you stayed right where you are.

It takes fewer calories to maintain a lower weight than a higher one, so it shows that you have adopted a better lifestyle - even when things aren't going right. It bodes very well for you being able to keep off the weight you lose (one of my notorious problems).

Have a great visit with the fam. And Elicia's right - you'll totally reach your goal.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Paige, so nice to hear from you. I hope this next week goes better for your emotions. Do something special for yourself today.
