Friday, August 25, 2006

I've been a bad blogger!

I have been such a baaaaaaaaaaaaad blogger! My life just gets so crazy. I was so excited to go to my Weight Watcher meeting this week. I had hit my goal weight 6 weeks before and if I had not put on over 2 pounds I got to go to Lifetime. On Lifetime I just have to weigh in once a month and stay within 2 pounds of my goal. I can attend as many meeting as I want and it's FREE!!!!! Yeah!!!! I can't tell you just how exciting it was to reach this goal. I'm actually at a goal weight about 8 pounds over what Weight Watchers recommends. I went to my doctor and he checked my BMI and cholesterol and said I was at a good weight. Weight Watchers accepts a doctors note. That doesn't mean that I'm still not going to loose that other 8 pounds but at least I don't have to pay for the meetings any more. I am so happy with my weight loss. I really do feel like a new person. I feel younger and - yes - even sexier. I have indulged in buying beautiful new skinny, clingy clothes for fall and I can't wait to start wearing them. Every time I get tempted by some delicious goodie I just stop and think about how wonderful it feels to be a size 8 instead of a size 14. I have stuck with Weight Watchers longer this time than ever before. I'm also getting rid of all my larger clothes. I have never done that before. I always kept them "just in case". Well, this time I am committed and besides, I won't have anything to wear if I put on weight. I feel better about my self and my health than I have for at least 20 years. Even though I'm a grandma I'm feeling more like a 30 something sexy chick. Well, maybe I am getting a little carried away. I just want you all to know that it feels so good to stick to a plan and have the success that you work so hard for. The secret is to just stick with it. Don't berate yourself if you slip up a little just get back on course. Some of you have already achieved incredible weight losses. I am so proud to be part of this blog even though I don't post often.


Chickadeeva said...

I've always thought you were a beautiful woman and you really impress me.

I'm so glad for you and I will take your hard work and motivation to my own heart as I press for my own form of dilligence!

SueAnne said...

You look so great. Thanks for posting. You've inspired me today:)

Kristina said...

I'm so happy for you! I'm celebrating with you! I know what it is to feel the best you have in 20 years! I've not been in this good of condition since High school. I still weigh more than High school, but I am physically fit, and feeling very sexxy. And I know what you mean about getting excited about your Fall wardrobe. Sista, I am right there with you!

Tracy said...

Congradulations!!! Life time is a HUGE accomplishment. WW is expensive, so it is GREAT that you can now have that support for free. Keep up the good work.


Pink Slippers said...

Way to go! So glad for you, making goal. AWESOME!! Can't wait to get to see you next time, I hope I recognize you!