Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Update on a Better Day

Well, I didn't make it to the Y this morning which I kind of figured, but I've still been good. I remembered breakfast, and I took the train to work this morning - a half mile walk from my house to the station, two blocks to my office, and double that to get home. Every little bit helps, right? On to tennis tonight and yummy salmon with cucumber salad for dinner afterward.

Hopefully this will help all that guilt from last weekend blow over.


Paige said...

I'm glad you had a better day, I was hoping you would. I find that when I say there's a chance I might not do something (exercise, eat well, etc) the chance becomes much greater that I actually will not. When I don't allow the possibility into my head, I do much more.

I hope things settle down for you!

kimiko said...

I am so glad the sun shined for you today! Good job getting exercise anyway you can. Walking is wonderful!

Amy Witt said...

I laughed at myself. I thought cool, she lives somewhere where she can take the train. Then I thought, Oh yes, I can take the same train. Sometimes I forget to use the DART rail. Now that my little one is getting bigger, we may start using it again.

Lisa said...

Amy, that's too funny!

Since my office moved downtown (we were in the Park Cities) it got a lot simpler to ride the train each day. It doesn't save any time getting to the office, only a little time getting home, but it's pleasant to have a walk in both the morning and afternoon...at least for now. We'll see how it goes in, say, January.