Sunday, August 20, 2006

Inches...wonderful little things!

Hello Ladies,
This week was a tough one for me, so I am glad it is through. I struggled quite abit with insane cravings. I also had a family reunion where there was tons of yummy forbidden food. I wasn't perfect but I didn't go crazy eating things that I shouldn't, I am pretty proud of myself. I knew that I would want to eat at the reunion, so I worked out extra hard in extended sessions at the gym this week. My hard work is beginning to pay off. My body is starting to reshape its self. I have added several skirts and shirts size 2x to 20 to my give away bag. My upper body is getting smaller, so many of shirts are falling off the shoulders and not fitting in the breast area anymore. Yippee! You know that new exercise outfit I showed you guys the other day? Well, I have to take the 2nd pair of pants back and get a smaller size! The 2xl size I was wearing is now to baggy ( I even washed them in warm water to shrink and still wasn't enough) Wooo hoo! The scale has even been kind to me. Since August 1st I have lost 7 pounds. I know I am not suppose to weigh until 9/11 but I just wanted a sneak peak. Unfortunately, 4 of those seven pounds was weight I gained the weekend before I started this program. I am now down to 224. I am moving forward and that makes me very happy. My goal for this week is to workout 5-6 days in the gym ( I only did 4 day - double workouts this past week). I would also like to lose 1-2 pounds. Have a great rest of the weekend.


Mom2the6Rs said...

Good for you, Kimiko! Wow, 20 days on the program and a whopping 7 lbs gone! Good job! And about tracing the weight to the weekend before, honey, if I had to account for every pound I put on somewhere along the line, it would cause my brain to malfunction! Geesh! Just move ahead and use that binge weekend as a reminder that we truly are what we eat...or at least we end up looking like it! Ha!


Bickler3 said...

Hey...Don't forget me when you go to give those clothes away Kimi!!I am very proud of you !! Keep it up!!

Kristina said...

See how your hard work is paying off?! Good for you girl! You are an inspiration to me and I'm really proud of you and your dilligence.

kimiko said...

Thanks guys!