Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I jogged a mile tonight!

I was going down to walk on the trail this evening, and I was feeling a little more energetic than usual and decided to try to jog a little further than I have. Well, thought I, lets see if I can jog for a straight 1/2 mile tonight. I made it to the 1/2 mile mark and said to myself, lets see if I can make it another 1/4 of a mile, without stopping, and I did, and I still felt pretty good. So I went ahead and pushed myself for another 1/4 of a mile... equaling a solid mile. You guys, I was able to jog a whole mile without stopping! I haven't done that for about 15 years! I feel like I can do anything. I feel unstoppable.


SueAnne said...

Amazing Kristina! I know I couldn't jog a mile!

Mom2the6Rs said...

OH, Unstopable you, adorable, unstopable you....


Tracy said...

That is awesome!! Way to go!

Lisa said...

Kristina, that's awesome. We'll just have to start calling you Speedy! :)

(Oh, I am so just kidding - I wouldn't do that to you!)
