Sunday, August 06, 2006

Down another 2 lbs. !

Yippee, I love my scale, I love my scale....that is what I am chanting today. Although, I know it is just the truth teller of all my hard work. I am down another 8 sticks of butter. I did all the math, just because I am Ms. Curious. I have lost an average of 1.2 lbs. a week. At this rate, I will be approximately 151 lbs. by the New Year! WhoHoo! I had originally hoped to be to goal by Christmas, but maybe....maybe...if I kick up the exercise....maybe I will be! I am so thrilled to be on this ride. It is a daily challenge that keeps me on my toes and I feel like a little fat-evangelist! I am making converts left and right! I love seeing the hope in people's eyes. And I love this blog. Being away for it for a few days and coming home to all the encouragement and the accomplishments is so terrific. You guys rock my world. This whole journey is so much bigger than me. So much bigger.
I went to a family reunion and I swear, I have never received this much attention from family members....not since I was prego with Rae 6 years ago! People were ecstatic about my weight loss, they all wanted to know what my secret was and all the silly old men (in their 90's) wanted kisses from the "pretty lady". Funny, awkward, fantastic! It was cool. And yes, most of the men, at first, commented on how nice my HAIR looked. PEOPLE, people, it is NOT the hair, it is the fat, the FAT! So hilarious.
Well, I am rambling now. Sorry. See you all later. Have a great and successful week. Keep up the honesty. Especially to yourself.



Pink Slippers said...

Your habit changes are surely showing! Congrats on the 2 pounds. I am glad you had such a wonderful reception at your reunion! How affirming!

Kristina said...

Hey red hot mama! I can just see all of the old fellas lining up to get a smooch from the pretty lady. Too cute!
Isn't it worth all of the hard work when you receive so much affirmation from those closest to you?
I'm so proud of you Jules! Before you know it, you'll be in the 160's again too.

Amy Witt said...

I have this visual of walkers and canes waiting to kiss you. What an encouraging weekend you must have had. YOu hard work is so worth it. Keep on keeping on!!